Become a Friend
WHAT is Valeways?
"Valeways is at the very heart of the Vale of Glamorgan, keeping open the arteries of this beautiful landscape - such an important part of our heritage.
With community volunteers, they work to give access to over 400 miles of pathways a year; their walks are always fascinating, and a pleasure for everyone, of all ages and abilities.
I’m delighted to be a Friend of Valeways - I hope you will join us.”
Derek Brockway, a Friend of Valeways
WHO are the Friends of Valeways?
Valeways is a voluntary organisation that supports a diverse range of activities to protect, to promote and to provide walking activities in the Vale of Glamorgan's glorious countryside. Activities are open to all ages and abilities. Friends are people, like you, who want to preserve these activities.
WHY should I become a Friend of Valeways?
Friends want to support the Valeways charity and help maintain the numerous activities offered including the stroller programmes (180 strolls per year), led-walking programmes (about 120 walks per year), path-clearance activities (approx 50 volunteers) and the Walking Festival.
HOW do I become a Friend of Valeways?
An annual membership of Friends is £30 for a single person, £45 for a joint membership, or £100 for Patron membership.
Please click here to download and print the membership form. Follow the instructions on the form to submit your details and to pay your membership fee.
WHAT are the benefits of being a Friend of Valeways?
Being a Friend or Patron of Valeways means you are supporting a charity that gives pleasure to hundreds of people who want to enjoy the benefits of walking in the Vale of Glamorgan. To thank you for your support, you will be invited to an annual Friends event, receive a printed version of the walk programme (if requested) and have updates on any special interest walks or events.