The Vale of Glamorgan Ramblers
The Vale of Glamorgan Ramblers are a fairly small, but active and friendly group based in an attractive rural area.
For more information visit their website.
Facebook: Vale of Glamorgan Ramblers
Instagram: valeramblers
Twitter: @Vale of Glamorgan Ramblers
Penarth and District Ramblers
For details of their walk programme visit their website.
Ramblers Cymru
Ramblers Cymru is the representative body for walkers in Wales. For more information visit their website.
Nordic Walking
Nordic Walking
Nordic Walking is one of Europe's fastest growing forms of physical activity and is particularly suited for people 50+.
Nordic Walking uses poles to in order to add two major benefits to walking:-
1. The use of poles means the upper body muscles are used as well as the legs.
2. The poles help to propel the walker along - this means he/she works harder than usual yet the support given by the poles makes it feel easier
3. Nordic Walking tips for beginners
What you will need to get started
Appropriate footwear
The benefits of Nordic Walking
For more information and to find a group near you visit their website.
Barefoot Studios
Barefoot Studio prides itself on being the leading centre for Nordic Walking in Wales. Home to the British Nordic Walking National Coach for Wales, Karen Ingram, they offer a top venue to both learn Nordic walking and become an instructor.
For more information visit their website.
Age Cymru
The Age Cymru Nordic Walking group is a very active, enthusiastic and welcoming group for beginners. They meet weekly in Llantwit Major for a walk lasting between 1 and 2 hours, organised by a trained walk leader. They also offer classes organised by trained Nordic walking instructors. Walks and classes are free, but walkers can donate £2 for each session with the proceeds paying for traveling and event costs. Details are available in their booklet.
For more information visit their website.
Cardiff Outdoor Group
Cardiff Outdoor Group is a member-led walking group. They have a programme of walks with something to suit everyone. Details of the current walking programme and membership arrangements can be found their website http://www.cardiffoutdoorgroup.wordpress.com
Cardiff Outdoor Group also organise the annual Three Peaks Trial Challenge Walk, the next event is on Saturday 23rd March 2024. Based in Abergavenny and involving a series of checkpoints which entrants have to pass through using their own navigation skills to select the best route between the checkpoints. The event was set up in 1963 and normally has four routes ranging from 10 to 20 miles and is the oldest event of its type in the UK. It regularly attracts 800+ walkers from all over the UK. Entry fees range from £8.50 to £24 per entrant, full details are available from the event website http://www.threepeakstrial.co.uk
Walking Festivals
The Vale of Glamorgan Walking Festival
The 2023 walking festival comprised 31 walks of up to 14 miles and attracted around 360 walkers across the various themed walks featuring local history, geology and more. Termed the 'Friendliest Walking Festival', the festival offers good company and walks guided by experienced walk leaders.
Details concerning the 2024 walking festival will appear in due course on the website link Vale of Glamorgan Walking Festival
An alternative festival for the best of Bridgend County on foot!
The festival offers a range technical walks for the experienced plus an eclectic mix of experiences for dabblers, families and the novice walker. Visitors can try Nordic walking, star gazing, zorbing on water, wild food foraging and much more with many walks also taking advantage of our rights of way network.
For more information on Love2Walk visit their website: https://love2walk.co.uk/
Chepstow Walking Festival
Join Chepstow Walkers are Welcome for 6 days of walking fun at the annual Chepstow Walking Festival held 2nd - 7th April 2024. Chepstow has been accredited as a Walkers are Welcome town since 2012 and the annual walking festival organised by Chepstow Walkers are Welcome is a celebration of this.
(A link to the programme will appear her once the programme has been finalised.)