Walking Benefits
Just about 11 minutes of daily moderate physical activity like a brisk walk can lower the risk of early death from diseases such as heart disease, stroke and a number of cancers, according to a new study.
Previous studies have already documented that moderate-intensity physical activity can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, and the NHS recommends that adults do at least 150 minutes of such exercise, or about 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity every week.
The new research, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, found about a tenth of early deaths could be prevented if people managed at least half the recommended level of physical activity.
Cardiovascular diseases like heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death globally – with nearly 18 million deaths per year in 2019 – while cancers were responsible for over nine million deaths in 2017, said scientists led by those from the University of Cambridge.
Researchers carried out a systematic review, pooling and analysing data from all of the published evidence connecting physical activity, heart disease, cancer and early death.
Keeping Me Well
Valeways is working with the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board on a scheme that offers a healthier and more active lifestyle to people particularly when preparing for and recovering from medical procedures and operations. We are hoping that our Strollers walks will offer the opportunity for people to take some gentle exercise and meet up with walkers to help alleviate the loneliness and isolation which can extend recovery time. For more details please click on the link to the Keeping Me Well website.